Lies, damned lies and statistics
The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
God looks down from heaven
on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
Everyone has turned away,
they have together become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.
Ps 53:1-3
It´s just a number, but there is a reality behind the number. It´s a percentage, but there are human souls counted in that percentage. That´s why I winced when I saw it, in the lower left corner of the front page of a magazine, 14 % of all Swedes believe that God created Earth. 14 % of all Swedes agree with the second line of the Apostles Creed, “creator of Heaven and Earth”. How many fall off by the third line, the fourth, the fifth, how many stick by to the end of the Creed? Probably not that many, probably a single figure percentage.
More numbers, in 1947 80 % believed in God, in 2001 46 %. In two generations practically halfed. If a marketing guru saw these figures, he would probably say to the Church: “What the fuck are you doing wrong?” I don´t honestly know what to reply, other than Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy.
The difference between 46 and 14 is not that we have lost another third in just a couple of years, it´s the difference between God being a name and God actually being a person doing stuff. That difference is bloody important. That difference mean we pray to God, rather than just talk about, over, around, concerning God.
Does these numbers mean I´m a dinosaur, antiquated, a relic from past ages? Not so, I have no intention of becoming extinct any time soon. But neither did the dinosaurs, I guess. So what strategy should we devise in order to survive in a hostile new environment? Adapt, become leaner and meaner, change our diet and take smaller prey?
We already have a strategy, and a promise that the Church will prevail. One day, every knee will bow, every tounge will confess that the Lord is King. It will be so. But today we have a problem, or rather, they have a problem and we can help. We´re not the solution, but we are given heavenly bread for the purpose of sharing it. The strategy is simple, let the kingdom of God become real and present in us and among us. I´ll be damned if a kingdom in my soul and in my church doesn´t impress someone. The kingdom of God will not perish by sword, power or wealth, by Big Brother marathons on the telly or page three girls in the evening newspaper. Not even by mindblowing poets or soultouching master painters. It will be so.
My priest wrote something about the demon of comparison, that the success of the church cannot be measured by numbers. Indeed, Jesus, measured by numbers, wasn´t much of a pastor. He had thousands who listened to him, media coverage, good will and buzz in the community. At the way up to Golgotha, how many disciples remained? Not many, but two thousand years later those disciples are counted in billons. There is a world outside Swedish borders, thankfully, and the Church prosper in quite a few places around this beautiful globe. And that success belongs to Jesus. None other.
Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee.
Ps 63:3